[CheapShow Magazine issue #7]

The Seventh edition of CheapShow Magazine (‘WorldWide Edition’) became available to all CheapShow Patrons on july 12, 2019. The print version (+ free cover gift) became available on august 27th,  2019.


Pauls Retro Toy Corner, Quote Mining , Cheap Eats: Chocolate Special, From the Floor (Comic), What Episode was that again? volume 7: Locations, Trivia, Mr. Biffo’s Holiday Tips, CheapSkate World Tour, The CheapShow Reality Tour, Mysterious QR codes, Obligatory Noodle page, The Price of Shite, The Quiz of Random Global Knowledge, Silverman’s Platter, Eli’s Novelty Eraser Corner, The Uncliqueables.

[Amount of Pages]

24(+1 bonus), including (back)cover

[Cover Gift]

24 page Asian shopping booklet

[Sample pages]

[CheapShow Magazine issue #6]

The Sixth edition of CheapShow Magazine (‘Games Edition’) was given to CheapShow Patrons on april 26th, 2019. The print version (+ cover gift) became available in june 2019.


Pauls Retro Toy Corner, Quote Mining , Win-a-Winkie competition, From the Floor (Comic), What Episode was that again? volume 6:  Games, Interview: Paul Rose, Fan(tastic) art, Mysterious QR codes, Don’t Get Mad, [Games]: CheapShow Selection, [Games]: Odds & Ends, [Games]: Pocket, [Games]: Board Games, The Brewhouse, Obligatory Noodle page, The Price of Shite, Silverman’s Platter, Eli’s Novelty Eraser Corner, The Uncliqueables (Gaming links).

[Amount of Pages]

24(+1 bonus), including (back)cover

[Cover Gift]

5 Exclusive CheapShow cards for use with a Barcode Battler unit

[Sample pages]

[CheapShow Magazine issue #5]

The Fifth edition of CheapShow Magazine (‘Sweetie Edition’) was originally released on february 22nd, 2019 for CheapShow patrons. Print editions became available in april 2019.


Pauls Retro Toy Corner, Quote Mining , From the Floor (Comic), What Episode was that again? volume 5: Female Alter egos, Interview: Chris Bullock, Trivia, Barshens competition, Cheap Eats, The Price of Shite, Fan(tastic) art, Mysterious QR codes, Gannon’s Froth Shop, Making the Mag: Behind the scenes @ CheapShow Magazine, Love Letters, Obligatory Noodle page, Silverman’s Platter, Eli’s Novelty Eraser Corner, The Uncliqueables (links).

[Amount of Pages]

24(+1 bonus), including (back)cover

[Sample pages]

[CheapShow Magazine issue #4]

The fourth issue CheapShow Magazine (‘Noel Edition’) was originally released on december 21st, 2018 for CheapShow patrons. Print editions became available in february 2019.


Pauls Retro Toy Corner, Quote Mining , Page 3+1 Model: Christmas, What Episode was that again? volume 4: 2018 Key moments, Interview: Stuart Ashen, Trivia, Pull-some-Strings competition, Cheap Eats, Crafty Bastards, Story of the One Armed snowman, The Price of Shite: Mega Edition, Fan(tastic) art, Mysterious QR codes, Under the Tree, 2018 CheapShow Lookback,  Eli’s Novelty Eraser Corner, The Uncliqueables (links).

[Amount of Pages]

24, including (back)cover

[Sample pages]

[CheapShow Magazine issue #3]

The third issue CheapShow Magazine (‘Plasma Edition’) was originally released on october 31st, 2018 for CheapShow patrons. Print editions are now available for the first time.


Pauls Retro Toy Corner, Quote Mining , Page 3 Model: Ash Frith, What Episode was that again? volume 3: Phenomena, Interview: Ash Frith, Trivia, Filthy Popcorn, The Price of Shite, Fan(tastic) art, Mysterious QR codes, Win-a-Pin Competition, Don’t Get Mad, CheapShow 100th: Live – the report, Trick or Treats, The Obligatory Noodle Page, Hollandween, Ooh tiny Men! (results), Life Hacks: Slash those Prices, Board Games and the Like, Silverman’s Platter, Eli’s Novelty Eraser Corner, The Uncliqueables (links).

[Amount of Pages]

24, including (back)cover.

[Sample Pages]

[CheapShow Magazine issue #2]

The second issue CheapShow Magazine (‘Summer Edition’) was originally released on july 20th, 2018 for CheapShow patrons. That digital version had 16 pages. Attendees of the CheapShow Live Shows  (Episodes #100 and #101) got this (24 page) print edition.


Pauls Retro Toy Corner, Quote Mining , Page 3 Model: Paul Gannon, What Episode was that again? volume 2: Noodle Tests, Interview: Eli Silverman, Trivia, Ooh even more tiny men!, The Price of Shite, Fan(tastic) art, Mysterious QR codes, Obligatory Noodle Page, Sand in Your Brain (Puzzle pages), The Brewhouse, The Man in your dreams, Don’t get Mad, Life Hacks: Stay Dry/Get Wet, Silverman’s Platter,  Cheap Eats, Board Games and the Like, Eli’s Novelty Eraser Corner, The Uncliqueables (links).

[Amount of Pages]

24, including (back)cover.

[Sample Pages]

[CheapShow Magazine issue #1]

Cheapshow Magazine issue 1

The very first issue CheapShow Magazine (‘Patron Edition’) was originally released on april 30th, 2018 for CheapShow patrons. No printed editions have been produced before, bar 5 ‘proof’ copies. 


Pauls Kitteh Corner, Quote Mining , Page 3 Model: Eli Silverman, What Episode was that again? volume 1: Brand off / Off brand, Interview: Paul Gannon, Trivia, Ooh tiny men! Competition, Fan(tastic) art, Mysterious QR codes, The Price of Shite, Spooky Story, Don’t get Mad, Tales from the Shop Floor, Board Games and the Like, Life Hacks: Cheap Hotels, Test: Are you Cheap enough?, Obligatory Noodle page, Cheap Eats, Eli’s Novelty Eraser Corner, Links.

[Amount of Pages]

16, including (back)cover

[Sample Pages]